Indigenous peoples and Conquest
(Pontiac, Indian Department) 

Time Period:  1760-1791

Social Phenomenon:   The Conquest and the Change of Empire

Students will grasp the perspective and contribution of various actors and describe what happened during the 1760 to 1791 period (C1).  And while considering multiple perspectives, students will interpret "The Conquest and the Change of Empire" by explaining how the change of empire affected colonial society, considering various aspects, and analyzing changes and continuities and causes and consequences (C2).

Indigenous peoples and Conquest (Pontiac, Indian Department) 

Original student texts, materials and student activities considering guiding questions like "Were the British the “Friendly Conquerors”?    To what extent do we owe allegiance to our government?"  You will learn to describe the role of the Indian Department during the Seven Years' War, and during the period following the end of the War, and to determine the causes and consequences of Pontiac’s Revolt. Student site section not yet available.   Curated document collection in progress here ➦

1760-1791 #21 Indigenous peoples and Conquest (Pontiac, Indian Department)